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Friday, March 26, 2010

A "tail" to tell

Since Ram Navmi ( 24rth) was off for me from work, I was home all day with Ranbeer. In the evening, I asked Megha to accompany me to the park behind our house with Ranbeer. I took the camera along, so I could take pictures of Ranbeer playing in the grass in good light. And boy, I am glad I took it with me… After about 40 minutes of ranbeer running in the park after other childrens’s bat and balls ( leaving his own), him pointing out the park lights and passing aero planes to me, and enjoying the swings with Megha and me, we decided it was enough and headed home. I was stopped by a ghoda-gari (horse cart) just outside the park. Ranbeer was amused and started making silly tuk-tuk sounds ( like we teach him at home!) The horse cart guy coaxed us into getting a ride (all 3 of us) and I really went along so that I could get Ranbeer’s reaction on the camera. This guy took us around the M and S block of GK 2 and Ranbeer was quiet excited all along. He wasn’t scared a bit and it was fun for Megha and me too…

Photos : Masti in the park

Photos: Thats how an aero plane files mamma ; and did you guys notice the long hair tied into two tiny ponytails?

Photos : Chachi and Chota on the swings, "Rustam's" tail view and posing next to "Rustam"