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Monday, April 26, 2010

Potty-ed weekend

So....with an icky title to this post, i am sure you are already aware of the contents...Ranbeer was battling constipation all of last week. He is teething ( as i have come to understand that this term can be liberally used to describe all the irritation, lack of appetite, waking several times in the night, that a toddler goes through), and visibly so, as i see little stubborn molars pushing their way out of swollen gums, right into the chewy world of my baby.
So Friday, i am at work, and i get a panic call from Mom. Ranbeer is cranky and very uncomfortable. I rush back to find a child in absolute distress crying out for me. Tummy was swollen, the anus was open but nothing, absolutely nothing was coming out. I did my best, shove one glycerine suppository in, and hoped for it to stay. That went wasted and out popped some blood ( apparently from a fissure that developed due to constant constipation and irritation in the rectum). The sight of an unsuccessful glycerine and blood was enough to send Mom in absolute tizzy, and though i quite pride myself to be calm and sensible at crisis management, even brave me was inching towards helplessness and panic.
I heard the reassuring voice of Dr Nitin Verma ( Ranbeer's paed) on phone, and better sense prevailed over me. I tried with another suppository and lulled and distracted a very tired and restless baby to sleep.
While Ranbeer slept, i prayed for that tiny piece of glycerine to do its best. These are the trials of being a mother. I am praying for potty ( and at this point even writing a note on it)...i am praying for God to give my baby comfort and peace. What i wouldnt give now, to have Ranbeer wake up with a smile, a twinkle in his eye, and back to his normal antics...when children fall ill, i believe its God's way of punishing parents, especially moms....i anyway always carry that bag of guilt of being the working mom, and away from my baby for good 11-12 hours in the day. Just these times the weight of that bag just becomes more heavy and tires your spirits....
WTF, its potty for heaven's sake...but this took away the smile on my baby's face, and thats enough reason to pray for it.
And then, after one and a half hour of Ranbeer being asleep and me watching him over, it came, and i cannot forget the relieved expression on Ranbeer's face when he was done with this...
The potty crisis hits all parents, and i have been here before too. But Friday was particularly hard, and it broke my heart many time over to see Ranbeer crying and distressed....
I promised myself that i would make it up to Ranbeer in some way during the coming weekend...and that well, would be another post !

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A true Gabbar fan !

This one came up for a prize in a school painting competition..title Gabbar Singh's Orkut Profile

Sunday, April 18, 2010

IT issues

Hello'ya...for all who have been peeping and wondering at my insincerity in blogging ....well i have been stuck in IT issues...not "it" but IT....to those "followers" of mine, you would have seen 72 hours of a different blog makeover. Amidst oh-that-pinches critisicm from loving sister, who btw, wrote me a mail with subject "Soul Kitchen gets a boring look" and some other pointers on how fucked and amateurish my fonts and photo placement look, i hit a new "blog-o-low"....right to the depths of the blogocean....and struggling to find a good background template to migrate to...i wanted ahem..something summery, bold and cute...and a big meme prize from the people who think i am really cool at HTML/IT...you know here i am talking about the all the people who do peep in Soul Kitchen for some soul curry, but dont blog themselves...I have infact, made public my blog to only those who dont blog themselves ( ha ha so that they dont know anyway how easy it is..all the english, fonts, background etc etc).
Dont they say that you can fool all the people some of the time...but nay not your own blood, and not when your "younger" ( read only by a year and a half) sister is an ace software programmer coupled with the i-know-you-best-and-thus-have-unlimited-uninhibited-right-to-comment/criticise kind of approach to sisterhood. One bullet point email and one panic phone call later, tail between my legs, blogger mama ( thats me) crawled up to techie sister for some showmeyourloveandhelp!
I have a new blog background ( Aptly called Springs & Frog) and some new nice comments ( tips and tricks on the howtos of HTML) and a round up of last week.
Thanks B....I am hoping that the frog on the header will soon turn into a prince...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Photos for " What have i been upto?"

Photos (1) Looking the dude in baby sunglasses at a shop in Rajouri...and no i didnt buy them after all!
(2) Safai karamchari Ranbeer and Daksh at Pali's house

Photos (1) Birthday girl Amaeera...pretty picture in pink
(2) Naughty boy Ranbeer with Sunny peeking behind, at Fresco

Awesome video of Ranbeer interacting with Simba, Dushyant's little dog at Punkaj-Garima's house. Amusing part was that it was Simba who was overwhemed with Ranbeer's excited screams, and not Ranbeer for whom its a first- such a close-touch-feel interaction with a dog !

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What have i been upto?

Phew...so where have i been since April 29 and my last silly post..
Infact since last weekend of April ( where i havent blogged much) i have been involved in the following:
1. Staying over at Rajouri with Ranbeer, with Binnie and Ahaan joining in.
2. Ranbeer chasing butterflies at nani house garden, adding to his lesson of the birds and bees, and vocabulary.
3. Shopping with Ranbeer for summer clothes for Ranbeer ( 5 T-shirts, 2 night suits, 2 top sheets, 4 shorts.......and a lot of ruckus in all the shops that i went with him!
4. Pretending to work hard in the last week of march, so see if i am able to coerce even 1 more customer to part with his penny to help me fulfill my targets...and i failed miserably. This quarter was so bad, i need to bury my head in the sand...
5. Husband travelled to Tirupur and Bombay for business, Chota and i were left to ourselves to share the bed...Chota made sure, that he still gets into my side and that i still sleep wondering why the father-son duo want to always knock me off the bed..
6. Going over to Pali's house with Chota for a nightover, with Neha and Daksh for company.
7. Watching Daksh and Ranbeer clean Pali's TV, floor, furniture with their wipes.
8. Finally after putting down the kids to sleep at 11:30 pm...Pali, Neha and I, becoming just the girls, and talking like we did it in college...no holds conversations about life, kids, hubbies, sex, families, career, our dirty secrets...my god...i have to count my blessings when i am with these guys ( all my friends from college that is). No judgements, no ifs-but-whys-whynots...no prejudices, no fear, no sterotypes, Just plain simple us, as we get accepted for who and what we are, and not what we could/should be like in the eyes of the world….
Had to force ourselves to wind up at 3 PM…but most most most refreshing…Thanks P & N….
9. Shopping with Rupali and Samaira and Ranbeer in the April heat for more kiddy clothes.
10. Going for Amaeera’s birthday on the 3rd to Fresco, Amby Mall, Gurgaon with Manish, Sunny and Megha and ofcourse, Ranbeer…..and seeing Ranbeer have a total blast.
11. Being invited to Punkaj-Garima’s for dinner the same night, and having a great time. Ranbeer was tremendously impressed and excited with Simba, their dog…and Dushyant was such a dahling….to keep a big brother’s eye on Ranbeer all the time…
12. Ranbeer falling ill….viral, runny nose, vomiting and loose motions……and terrible crankiness….
13. While Ranbeer recovers, change of weather monstor hits me too….and now I am running eyes and nose…..

Will post pictures of some of the nicer moments from Point 1 to 11….in subsequent days…
So all ya people who peep…you are completely updated….