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Thursday, August 27, 2009

ETA : Nov 3 :11AM

Weekend of 1st and 2nd Nov ’08 : My last ultrasound is out. Baby is in extended breech, which means that not only has he turned around ( away from a normal position ) he has also locked himself, so there is no chance of him turning around again, and I have no choice but a C-Sec

This is so so similar to Binnie’s condition, just that she was not given any time to react, and I had a weekend to plan

Therefore this whole myth that if you are active during your pregnancy, chances of a normal delivery are very high, is all ****crap…I was hyper active, running till the last day, and Baby Chowdhary still wants me to go through the knife..
Date of operation is fixed for 3rd November, between 10:30 to 11:30 AM