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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ranbeer takes his first steps

Finally people, finally Ranbeer walks…
I was so done-to-death by everyone and anyone asking me if Ranbeer had started walking.
The kinds that came by :
**Oh he hasn’t started walking yet? How old is he? 1..already…( ya, whats already? has your son started to scratch his crotch yet..what already???))
**Really…he must be slow on this one…our so-and-so was walking at 9/10/11 months ( get them an Olympic medal then)
**Oh have you got him checked by the doctor for abnormality ( and this one was fricking me out)
**Maybe he doesn’t like to walk (like is there a “like” to it???)
**Maybe you are not encouraging him enough ( yes, yes, its my fault now)
**Its high time he stops crawling and cruising,,,,and start walking.tch tch…poor you! ( Yes, thank you for sympathy)

** These things happen, after all he has smart parents..he'll get there..( now what was that, but thanks for your vote of confidence)

I am sure you have all awarded me the desperate jealous bitch title by now.. Cmmon man…he is a baby…and has his own developmental cycle…if I tried hard enough..i’d probably get him to say “fuck you” to your nonsensical ramblings before I can get him to walk.
My pediatrician wasn’t worried. He said its normal for kids, especially boys to walk as late as 1 and a half years, and why was I in competition anyway?? But, hand over heart..yes i was getting a bit worried..

So coming back to Ranbeer taking his first steps. I remember the day, 5th Feb, Friday evening, somewhere around 7 :30 pm.
The family was sitting in the drawing room with usual chit chat about the day, and suddenly Chota Chowdhary got up and took his first 3 steps from the sofa to the carpet where his toys were kept.
This wasn’t it though. He forgot about walking the next day. Over the next week, we use to try to get him to walk, but he still quite didn’t take off.
Then I landed in Corbett on the 12th Feb noon, and was trying to get Ranbeer to have his lunch. I was alone with him in the room, and he was scampering all over the place.
He took fancy to an empty metal dustbin kept in the room. In order to get the dustbin away from him, I moved it in one corner of the room. Before I knew, this one just walked towards it. OMG, he walked like, 10-15 steps…and I went crazy….
I kept repeating the exercise over and over, hoping that he doesn’t forget…Manish had set out to check out the resort with his friends and organize lunch for us.I gave him a call, and all of them trooped over and clapped !
Thank you Uncle Jim…you got us good luck…and yes, Ranbeer is getting better and better at taking steps each day since then.
Right now, he looks like a cross between an astronaut and a toy taking measured steps, while trying to walk. I know he is trying to get his balance right and his confidence rises with each passing day.
He looks so cute trying to get his steps right, to turn while walking and to balance other things in his hand while walking…
And yes, for some unexplainable reason, this seems like a big achievement to us as parents…

Here’s a video of him walking the first time in Corbett !