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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Why is there a day to celebrate for Mothers?
Isnt motherhood a 24*7/365/lifetime kind of “hood”
Before the 2nd Sunday of May kind of fashion happened, how many of us went and told our mothers how much we rever them, how we truly love and appreciate them, how grateful we are that God picked them to be our mums?
More than ever, I tell my mom now, when I am myself a mother.
When I face the challenges, trials, tribulations, laughs and madness of being a mum, and then I know how hard it would have been for my mom, to raise 2 girls, manage being a full time doctor and manage a family…
I also see Manish’s mom, close quarters now, and really appreciate her dedicate-dness, in handling 3 men, and now 4rth ( my son)
Earlier in my marriage, when I use to see Sunny or Manish argue with their mom ( I call her mom too), or answer back, or be insensitive to her needs, I always use to argue with Manish on how he should be soft with her…..the conversation was something like this....
S : Why do you speak to Mom like this? Cant you be a little soft in your words/actions/approach
M : Aisa he hai, she is mom, I can tell her anything.
S : Yes okay, but she is also a woman. She needs to be treated differently. Girls need to be handled differently.
M : No Mom is not a girl. She is Mom.
S : WTF, Mom is not a girl?
M : Yes, even you are not a girl…. I mean you are Shipra, I mean wife…
WTF, since when did we start putting Mom and Wife in a not-a-girl category? Why is this such an emotionally retarded statement? What planet are you from? God, why did I even marry you?

I guess, over the years, and now when I see Ranbeer, I know…Moms are not girls, they are Moms. They are part of your DNA, your ethos, and you take them for granted.
I have taken my mom for granted, like all of you, and have no other expectations from Ranbeer ( or for that matter any other child that I may have).
Having said this, with a 1 and half year experience behind me, I know…. Mommas are special, all throughout the year, and you realize this more and more as the years go by.
The role of a mother is so phenomenal, that even today after almost 32 years of being someone’s daughter if I wanted to honor my mother on my blog for Mother’s Day, the idea of capturing her essence in such a length-restricting medium is insane.

So I will just thank: My mom, my grandmoms, Manish’s mom, Ranbeer’s chachi-maa, Ranbeer’s maa-si, all my friends and colleagues and cousin sisters, who are moms and mom-to-be s ......
Look in the mirror, at yourself, in the eye, and tell yourself that no matter who says and who doesn’t, YOU ARE TRULY THE BEST THAT YOUR CHILD DESERVED….

And that may you be loved in return in the same way, as you have always loved…